The Ignition Squad – August 2022

August will be a little different than the previous months. We hosted a Games Night on the 3rd of August and informed everyone that we are going on a break after this week’s Day Space Disco on the 10th of August.

Wednesday, the 10th of August at 7.30-10.00pm

Day Space are back with their evening Disco 7.30pm to 10pm! The tickets cost £3 and can be purchased on the door. There are will be hotdogs and drinks available to buy.

Turn up and have fun!

We are going on a break!

We are grateful for everyone who helped us host 4 successful months of Ignition Squad meet-ups at the Ignition Taproom this year. These events have shown how important it is for our young people to have a safe place to meet up and enjoy each other’s company, learn new things and have new experiences.

We are looking forward to our return in September. Please stay in touch, sign up to the website or contact us directly to be put on the mailing list.

This is where you can find us:

Location: Sydenham Centre, 44A Sydenham Road, SE26 5QF. This is next to the post office and opposite Natwest bank.  We have large glass windows and a neon sign on the inside wall.

Bus routes include 75, 202, 450, 197 and we are very near Sydenham Station.

The Ignition Squad Meet-ups are inclusive events for people aged 18 to 30 in Lewisham. Please note that we would like to liaise directly with the young people and we recommend that parents and carers join us on another night.  Siblings and friends of a similar age are welcome.

We look forward to seeing you there,

Lewisham Mencap & Ignition Brewery

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